Past Lives Regression and the hall of Akashic records
The Past Lives Regression workshop is usually a small group of individuals who are curious about information regarding their previous existences, and what they may have been through. This can illustrate why their current lives are the way they find them today. Be prepared to discover some surprises!
Using a technique not unlike hypnotherapy, you will be guided within a small group, back in time through this life, to your childhood and birth and beyond. Through previous existences we go to find your pages in the vast hall of Akashic Records, about the lives you have lived before. This past life regression can throw light upon why your life is as it is today, about the likely obstacles holding you back or blocking your way. These sessions can be very revealing and deeply fascinating.
Sharing experiences throughout the session with one another, for those who wish to do so, can be enlightening.
These sessions are usually run from 10am till 1pm, with a 30 minute lunch break. You are advised to bring a packed lunch, while tea, coffee, juice and biscuits will be available throughout the day. Contact me if you have a few friends who would like to do this, and I will make sure to arrange a venue for you. Charge is £15 per person for the day, and we restrict the group size to 12 people. Contact me directly to find out more about this workshop.
Spiritual Development Circles at Orton Waterville Village Hall, Peterborough
These are groups formed to encourage the development intuition, knowledge and understanding of the skills we can develop through pursuing spirituality. Using meditation and guided inner journeys, we delve into protection of auras, chakra cleansing and balancing, crystal therapy, mediumship, psychometry, scrying, card reading, alchemical healing and much more.
We also have a philosophical element to the group, where we discuss our own experiences and understanding of our psychic development, and how it affects every one of us.

One of the most fulfilling things you can do is join a Spiritual Development Group, in order to explore those fascinating things which may have intrigued you over many years.
Meditation & Relaxation can open up a whole new world of inner journeying for you. We delve into Drum Journeys, explore our Power Animal Totems and Guides, encourage the keeping of Dream Journals, use Pendulums and delve into Crystals and pendulum Dowsing for all kinds of purposes. When you belong to a development group, your spiritual development will move forward faster than if you were reseaching solo.
Almost every week, (occasionally we can't get access to the room) these groups will explore many different aspects of personal and spiritual growth and development, including psychic development, and links to Spirit. Learning to trust your intuition is one of the greatest feats anyone can achieve; it will open doors to you, illustrating how easy life can be when you trust the Universal Energies and stop struggling against the tide. It can even save your life. However, being guided by your intuition is only the very first step.
We also do card reading with a wide variety of cards, showing each one of you how easy it is to use your own clairvoyance/clairsentience/clairaudience/claircognizance, and how to develop your skills.
So you are invited to join us, at either of our group sessions. At £6.00 per person per session it can be a very enlightening experience. We hold these weekly sessions at 2 venues in Peterborough. Wednesday evening sessions are held at Orton Waterville Village Hall, Glebe Avenue, Peterborough PE2 5EN from 6.30-8.30pm.
Keep an eye out for free introductory sessions, for short periods only. These can be found on our Facebook page - Raven Heart. All attendees to the sessions are connected via a WhatsApp group between sessions.
If you wish to join us or find out more, please contact me on 07513 118182.
Meditation & Relaxation can open up a whole new world of inner journeying for you. We delve into Drum Journeys, explore our Power Animal Totems and Guides, encourage the keeping of Dream Journals, use Pendulums and delve into Crystals and pendulum Dowsing for all kinds of purposes. When you belong to a development group, your spiritual development will move forward faster than if you were reseaching solo.
Almost every week, (occasionally we can't get access to the room) these groups will explore many different aspects of personal and spiritual growth and development, including psychic development, and links to Spirit. Learning to trust your intuition is one of the greatest feats anyone can achieve; it will open doors to you, illustrating how easy life can be when you trust the Universal Energies and stop struggling against the tide. It can even save your life. However, being guided by your intuition is only the very first step.
We also do card reading with a wide variety of cards, showing each one of you how easy it is to use your own clairvoyance/clairsentience/clairaudience/claircognizance, and how to develop your skills.
So you are invited to join us, at either of our group sessions. At £6.00 per person per session it can be a very enlightening experience. We hold these weekly sessions at 2 venues in Peterborough. Wednesday evening sessions are held at Orton Waterville Village Hall, Glebe Avenue, Peterborough PE2 5EN from 6.30-8.30pm.
Keep an eye out for free introductory sessions, for short periods only. These can be found on our Facebook page - Raven Heart. All attendees to the sessions are connected via a WhatsApp group between sessions.
If you wish to join us or find out more, please contact me on 07513 118182.
Occasionally, guest speakers will also be invited into the group to give a talk and demonstrate their craft. Any special events or appearances are posted on Facebook on the Raven Heart page.
Vision Board Manifestation!
Through the creation of our own vision boards we can bring those the we desire into our lives by keeping our focus on them day after day. It's about putting the intent and request 'out there' so we are clear about our intent. These workshops are a really nice way to deeply clarify your desires and discussing them with others in the group as they do the same.
During the session we get tactile and search for images and words and blocks of colour which resonate with your dreams. Cutting them out and positioning them on a large board in a way which fits with your eye, creating a lasting image of what you would like to bring into your life. Seeing this daily will kyour reality.
The charge for one of these Vision Board workshops is usually from £30 to £45. The sessions can last from 3 to 5 hours.
When you would like to find out more about these workshops please contact me directly.
During the session we get tactile and search for images and words and blocks of colour which resonate with your dreams. Cutting them out and positioning them on a large board in a way which fits with your eye, creating a lasting image of what you would like to bring into your life. Seeing this daily will kyour reality.
The charge for one of these Vision Board workshops is usually from £30 to £45. The sessions can last from 3 to 5 hours.
When you would like to find out more about these workshops please contact me directly.